Saturday, January 3, 2009

Modified Plans - Keeping an Open Heart

Developing plans may change ---- And sometimes the new ones turn out to give you more satisfaction than you would have expected! My original thought was to have some friends over this weekend, either Friday or Saturday, for dinner. Food, wine, and interesting conversation. That did not work out - in Florida, still in New Hampshire, at Penn State football game, and lastly - wanting to see kids that had been out of town over the holidays.

Instead on Friday, I completed most of the living room, which included hanging the kimono that was purchased in June. Funny how some things look fantastic on the hanger. They even seem to fit in the shop with the perfect lights and the compliments of the shopkeeper. Reality can be quite different. In this case, my memory and expectation of the kimono in 2008 was not the same as seeing it on the wall in 2009. However, it will still be another reminder of my personal times in Japan.

Today was spent on the ski slopes with three of my favorite people. A very early morning leaving at 6 am, not quite as early as the 4:30 am last January in Japan though, and returning as dusk arrived. The snow began on the way to the slopes and continued until noon. We started out slowly with a couple of beginner slopes. I needed to make sure my knees worked, bindings on my 19 year old skis and boots did not break, and that I could remember how to stop! Surprisingly even after skiing 4 hours (excluding breaks for lunch, purchase of hand-warmers, and for coffee) my knees are not hurting and I only have one new bruise on my shin. Great group to ski and board with; hopefully we'll be able to go again before late February! And too bad the ski trip to Utah originally planned for January 16th just did not work out for any of this small group or the larger group. Now I am back home, have had a long hot shower, and shortly will enjoy something to drink before I turn in early!

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