Saturday, September 13, 2008

Cross out "Hiking in the Rain"

Saturday September 13th was to be the 6.5 mile hike that was "exhilerating" due to the steep incline at the beginning. Spent time last night buying water-repellent to treat some old pants - not blue jeans - and buying 98% DEET spray to avoid ticks. Figured I had enough to do without getting Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever!

So now the pants are sprayed, stiff as all getout, and the smell is almost gone. The hike did not occur since thunderstorm were predicted. Actually, I was a little happy that the hike was cancelled or postponed. I was not looking forward to hiking in pouring rain and mud. Could do it if I had been caught out in the woods but knowing it was coming ..... kinda like staying in the known path of a hurricane! I may be stubborn but not stupid.

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